Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon, Sheffield

Proceeding with surgery

This page provides information for patients who are having cosmetic surgery with Mr Morritt. Patients are offered a date for surgery and we do try to accommodate specific requests for dates where possible.

On the day of surgery

Patients having their surgery under general anaesthetic (asleep) are generally admitted on the day of surgery and stay overnight in hospital following the surgery. Mr Morritt and his anaesthetist see the patient before surgery so that all questions can be answered fully. He will then make a number of markings on the patient to plan the proposed surgery.

Patients are allowed home once they are able to care for themselves and any pain from surgery is well controlled with tablet painkillers. Most patients will be able to go home the day following surgery but patients having certain procedures like abdominoplasty or those having multiple procedures usually stay a further night in hospital. Some patients having surgery under local anaesthetic may be able to go home on the same day as the surgery (day case surgery).


Mr Morritt sometimes inserts drains during procedures such as abdominoplasty or breast reduction to drain the fluids that are normally produced by the body following surgery. These drains are normally removed the day following surgery before patients go home. Rarely, some patients may need to go home with the drains still in as the nature of certain procedures means that greater volumes of fluid are produced during the healing phase.

After cosmetic surgery

The instructions for recovery following surgery do vary for different procedures and more details are available in the information about specific procedures on this website.  If you are admitted to hospital, you will be seen every day by Mr Morritt until you are discharged from hospital. You will be looked after by experienced nurses and kept comfortable during your stay.  You will be given contact details that you can phone 24/7 in the event that you encounter a problem or have concerns following the surgery and need to be reviewed. We advise patients to use this aftercare (which is included in the price of surgery) rather than attending their GP or local A&E Department.

After discharge from hospital

After you have been discharged from the hospital, you will be seen regularly in the dressing clinic to ensure that you are making good progress and the wounds are healing well. Patients will normally be seen one and two weeks following surgery for wound checks. You will have a follow up appointment to see Mr Morritt approximately six weeks following the surgery but if you have any questions before this appointment then these will be answered. Mr Morritt then follows his patients up at regular intervals which can vary according to procedure and between different patients. As a rule most patients have a minimum of six months follow up after their procedures.

You can change your mind before having cosmetic surgery

Mr Morritt gives all of his patients a minimum 2 week ‘cooling off’ period between the initial consultation and surgery. It is important to take the time to make an informed decision about whether or not to proceed with surgery. He provides second consultations (within 1 year of the initial consultation) free of charge so that patients have the opportunity to have any questions that they may have before the surgery answered. There is no charge if after careful consideration patients decide that they do not wish to proceed with cosmetic surgery.