Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon, Sheffield
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Breast uplift

Mr Morritt specialises in breast uplift surgery (also known as breast lift or mastopexy). He offers a variety of modern techniques for breast uplift such as methods using breast tissue rearrangement, auto-augmentation (the lowest part of the breast is used as a natural breast implant to increase breast projection), or in combination with breast implants (augmentation mastopexy). Surgery costs from £6752.

To learn about the other procedures that Mr Morritt offers – please click here 

What is a breast uplift (mastopexy or breast lift)?

A breast uplift (breast lift or mastopexy) is a surgical procedure to lift drooping breasts and nipples. Breast drooping (‘ptosis’) is part of natural ageing but may occur more quickly following pregnancy or weight loss. Many patients are happy with the size of their breasts when they are wearing a bra but do not like the droopiness of their breasts when they are not wearing a bra.  Breast uplift surgery gives the breast a more youthful shape with increased upper breast fullness, and tightens the skin of the breast making the breast feel firmer and less saggy. Areola reduction is also frequently performed during a breast uplift. 

How is a breast uplift performed?

Breast lift (breast uplift or mastopexy) surgery is performed under general anaesthesia (patient is asleep). Excess skin is removed and the breast tissue is cut and rearranged making the breast feel firmer and tighter and look more youthful.  The nipples are lifted by cutting around the areola which leaves scarring around the areola (circumareolar scar). Most patients will also need to have a vertical scar between the areola and crease under the breast as this is the main area from where excess skin is usually removed (this gives a ‘lollipop’ or vertical scar). Patients with significant droopiness or poor quality skin frequently also need to have a scar in the crease under the breast (‘anchor pattern’ scar).

Many surgeons and clinics offer breast lift surgery which relies purely on skin tightening. These techniques which are quick to perform (and are therefore cheap) do not produce a good long term breast lift as many of the patients requesting breast lift have skin which has lost its strength and elasticity (due to being overstretched during pregnancy or due to weight gain/loss). As surgery only removes some skin, the lift relies on the remaining skin but as this is weak, the breasts can drop quickly (within a few months of surgery). Mr Morritt uses techniques where the breast tissue is moved around (glanduloplasty) as they place less tension on the skin which produces a longer lasting breast lift and better scarring (as there is less tension on the skin than with skin tightening breast lift). 

breast uplift lift mastopexy photos

Photos taken during surgery showing the effects of breast uplift surgery. The initially droopy breast lacks projection and fullness in the upper part and also falls towards the patients armpit when the patient is lying. After surgery there is more fullness in the upper part of the breast, the breast is tighter and firmer, has more forward projection and does not fall towards the armpit when the patient is lying. The scars generally take approximately 1 year to fully fade. 

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Breast uplift surgery typically involves an overnight stay in hospital but can be done as a day case procedure in specific patients. Mr Morritt uses self dissolving sutures which are hidden under the skin surface for his patients so there are no stitches to remove after surgery. He does not use drains for breast uplift surgery. 

Different types of mastopexy (breast uplift)

  • Wise pattern breast lift (anchor scar)
    • the most frequent type of breast uplift
    • tightens the breast in both an up-down direction and side-side
    • best option for those with severe breast sagging and/or poor skin quality
  • Vertical scar breast lift (lollipop scar)
    • useful for patients with moderate breast droop and good quality skin or those having breast lift with implants
  • Circumareolar breast lift (scar around areolar; also called ‘donut’ lift)
    • only suitable for breasts with very limited amounts of droop
    • more frequently used to reduce size of areolae
  • Combined breast uplift with breast implant insertion (also known as ‘augmentation mastopexy’ or ‘augmented mastopexy’)
    • Lifts the nipples, improves the breast shape and increases the size of the breasts
  • Combined breast uplift with lipofilling (fat injections)
    • Lifts the nipples, improves the breast shape and increases the size of the breasts without the need for breast implants. Also has the benefit of improved contour of the area where the fat is taken from e.g. thighs/abdomen.
  • Breast uplift combined with reverse abdominoplasty
    • lifts the breasts and at the same time tightens the upper abdomen

Before and after photos showing the outcomes from breast uplift

These photos show results from Mr Morritt’s patients however skin/tissue and general build characteristics vary between individuals meaning that Mr Morritt cannot guarantee an exact outcome from surgery. 

For case examples of patients who have had breast uplift with implants please – click here

breast uplift mastopexy

Case 1. Before and after photos showing the outcome from breast uplift (mastopexy) surgery for this lady in her 20’s who had significant breast drooping due to weight loss. Appearances are shown approximately 6 weeks after surgery and the scars are expected to fade over the next 12 months. Thanks to my patient for giving permission to show these images. 

photos of breast lift mastopexy

Case 2. Photos showing appearances before and 4 weeks after breast uplift (mastopexy) surgery performed for a mum in her 30’s. A wise pattern technique (superomedial pedicle) has been used to remove the excess skin and reshape the patient’s breasts, giving a lifted appearance without breast implants. The red line shows how much the breasts and nipples have been lifted. The right breast has also been reduced slightly to improve the breast symmetry as she had some breast asymmetry before surgery. Lifting the breasts has improved the patient’s body proportions as the abdomen and waist are now visible. Thanks to my patient for giving permission to show these images. 

breast uplift

Case 3. Photos showing appearances before and after breast uplift surgery. An anchor scar type breast uplift has been used to tighten the breast skin and lift the breast tissue and nipples giving a younger profile. Thanks to my patient for giving permission to show these images.  

photos showing before and after appearance breast uplift mastopexy surgery Sheffield

Case 4: Photos showing the appearances before and after breast lift surgery. This lady’s breasts have been lifted using a combination of skin excision and breast tissue rearrangement. Thanks to my patient for giving permission to show these images. 

breast augmentation and uplift mastopexy augmentation sheffield

Case 5: Photos showing the appearances before and after breast augmentation with uplift surgery. Breast implants have been combined with a breast uplift to give natural look whilst increasing breast volume and upper breast fullness following weight loss. Thanks to my patient for giving permission to show these images. 


‘Scarless’ breast uplift 

A number of patients who have drooping of their breasts do not want the scars associated with breast uplift surgery. In selected cases it is possible to lift breasts with breast implants alone (‘scarless breast uplift’ – there is of course still a scar for the implant insertion). When lifting the breast with implants, it is generally preferable to insert the breast implants on top of the chest muscle and for these cases ‘high profile’ or teardrop implants are preferred. Breast augmentation is a good option for patients who only have minor drooping however in cases where there is significant breast drooping (grade 2 or 3 ptosis), large implants may be necessary and the side effect of this is increased breast weight and thinning of the breast tissues which in turn with time creates more breast drooping and other side effects like visible rippling from the implants.

breast augmentation scarless breast uplift

Photos showing effects of ‘scarless’ breast uplift using breast implants alone. A dual plane type 3 breast augmentation technique (implants placed partially under the chest muscle) has been used here with round high profile round breast implants. 

What are the risks of breast uplift surgery?

Breast uplift surgery is performed frequently and the vast majority of patients who have the surgery heal without any significant problems. Mr Morritt has incorporated a number of safety modifications into his practice to reduce the risks for patients having breast uplift surgery. As with any surgical procedure there are potential risks of breast uplift surgery that patients should understand before deciding to have surgery.

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  • Scars
    • All surgical scars go through a normal healing process where they can be quite red for approximately 6 weeks. Between 6 weeks and three months following surgery the scars usually change to a purple/dark red colour. It can take a further 9-12 months before scars reach their final appearance which in most patients is a thin, pale, flat, painless scar. Patients with a personal or family history of bad scars following surgery or injury will be at increased risk of poor scarring.
    • Breast lift scars tend to heal well but will vary between patients and some patients may get poor scars (red, raised, painful). Bad scars are more common in patients with pale skin with dark or red hair and those in their teenage years. 
  • Significant bleeding
    • results in a collection of blood in the breast that will make the breast appear swollen and may cause pain.
    • This blood has to be removed in the operating theatre
    • Low risk: affects less than 2% of patients
  • Infection
    • Infections do however sometimes occur despite taking multiple precautions to reduce the chances of wound infection during surgery.
    • Infections can usually be treated with a course of antibiotics
  • Asymmetry of breasts or nipples
    • almost all women have different sized/shaped breasts
    • Breast uplift can make differences between breasts and nipples more noticeable
    • There will be small differences in breast size, shape and nipple position following the surgery
  • Wound breakdown
    • this is very rare but if it happens usually happens at the junction of the vertical scar on the breast and the scar in the breast crease
  • Drooping with time/ageing
    • As the breast uplift procedure does not replace the patient’s skin and breast tissue for new skin and breast tissue, it is to be expected that the breasts will droop with time 
    • It is normal for the breasts to drop to some degree in the first few months following surgery but the position of the breasts then stabilises. This minor drooping is useful because it hides the scar in the crease of the breast. Patients also have more fullness in the first few weeks after surgery which wears off with time which can result in a perception of drooping when really the change in appearance is due to the breasts being less swollen. 
    • Further drooping will be accelerated with further pregnancy/breast feeding, weight change, and failing to wear bras after surgery. 
  • Nipple sensitivity alterations
    • reduced nipple sensitivity occurs frequently following surgery and may affect one or both sides
    • generally improves with time but may be permanent in up to 15% of patients and is more common in those with large/droopy breast
  • Nipple loss
    • this is rare but is more common in those who smoke, the obese, those with very droopy breasts and the elderly
  • Fat necrosis
    • It is possible to get lumps in the breast following uplift surgery as a result of alterations in the blood supply to the fat and breast tissue within the breast caused by surgery
    • The majority of lumps like this do settle with time but this can sometimes take a few years
  • Breast feeding
    • It is sometimes possible breast feed after mastopexy however this can be unpredictable. Pregnancy after mastopexy can cause the breasts to become droopy and for this reason Mr Morritt advises patients to wait until they have completed their families before having a breast uplift (mastopexy).
  • Shape
    • Mr Morritt cannot promise that he can create a particular shape of breast as there are many factors responsible for the final shape that are outside his control. He can however usually give an idea regarding final shape.  If patients have particular shapes in mind it is essential to bring photos to the consultation with Mr Morritt to see if the hoped for result is potentially achievable.
  • Lower pole failure
    • in some patients the lower part of the breast can relax and droop with time after surgery. The nipple position is usually ok. Revision surgery can be undertaken and usually involves removing some skin and tissue.
  • General risks of surgery
    • Chest infection, DVT, PE, COVID, Death

Recovering after breast lift surgery

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Patients will need to wear a surgical or sports bra 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 6 weeks to support the breasts while they heal following the surgery. It is useful to have at least two bras that you can wear in rotation. It is important that the bra provides support without being overly tight. You should be able to start wearing underwired bras approximately 6-8 weeks following the surgery.


The wounds will be covered with dressings. You will be seen approximately 1 week after the surgery to check that the wounds are healing well. Mr Morritt uses invisible dissolving stitches so there is no need for any stitches to be removed. You can shower once the dressings have been removed.

Timeframe for recovery from mastopexy

0-7 days following surgery

Mr Morritt recommends taking it very easy in the first week during surgery as this is the most frequent time to encounter problems such as bleeding following surgery if patients over do things. Patients with young children should therefore organize for help and support with childcare and housework during this period.

7-14 days following surgery

Patient’s should only have low levels of pain at this stage and will be able to gradually increase their activities e.g. walking as their energy levels allow.

3-6 weeks following surgery

Patient’s should be able to return to work approximately 2 weeks following surgery. Mr Morritt advises that patient’s should not undertake any heavy lifting before 6 weeks following surgery. Those in active jobs may therefore need to take more time off work or to modify their activities at work until they have fully healed.

6 weeks onwards

Patients can undertake all exercises without restriction.


Patients should avoid driving until they are free of pain, are no longer taking strong painkillers, and have complete control of the vehicle. For most patients this will mean avoiding driving for 1-2 weeks following the surgery.

Reviews from patients who have had breast uplift (mastopexy) with Mr Morritt

breast uplift review sheffield

top rated mastopexy breast uplift review sheffield

Book a consultation for breast uplift surgery in Sheffield